January 14, 2020

Why Summer Is the Perfect Time to Start Your Hair Restoration Journey

Why Summer Is the Perfect Time to Start Your Hair Restoration Journey

Summer is a season filled with outdoor activities, beach trips, and enjoying the sunshine. While these activities bring joy and relaxation, they can also take a toll on your hair health. Increased sun exposure, chlorine from swimming pools, and saltwater from the ocean can damage your hair, leading to dryness, brittleness, and exacerbating hair thinning and loss. As you spend more time outdoors, sweat and frequent washing can strip your hair of its natural oils, further contributing to hair damage.

Given these factors, summer is the perfect time to start your hair restoration journey. Taking proactive steps to address hair thinning and loss during this season can help prevent further damage and set you on the path to healthier, fuller hair.

Hair restoration treatments like Keralase offer an effective solution for combating hair thinning and loss. Starting these treatments in the summer allows you to leverage the season’s flexibility and your potentially more relaxed schedule to adhere to a consistent treatment plan. By initiating your hair restoration journey now, you can achieve noticeable results by winter, ensuring your hair is healthier and more resilient for the colder months ahead.

Hair Thinning and Loss in Summer

Impact of Summer Activities

Increased Sun Exposure: Prolonged exposure to the sun’s UV rays can weaken the hair shaft, causing it to become dry and brittle. UV rays break down the protein structure of hair, leading to frizz, split ends, and an overall lack of strength and elasticity.

Chlorine from Swimming Pools: Chlorine is a harsh chemical that strips hair of its natural oils and protective layers. Regular swimming in chlorinated pools can leave hair dry, brittle, and more prone to breakage. Chlorine can also cause hair color to fade and, in some cases, leave a greenish tint, especially in chemically treated or light-colored hair.

Saltwater from the Ocean: Saltwater has a dehydrating effect on hair, drawing out moisture and leaving it parched. The combination of salt and sun exposure can significantly weaken hair, leading to increased breakage and split ends.

Sweat and Frequent Washing: Sweat can contribute to hair dryness and scalp irritation. Frequent washing, which may be necessary to remove sweat and build-up from summer activities, can strip hair of its natural oils. These oils are essential for keeping hair moisturized and protected. Without them, hair becomes more susceptible to damage, dryness, and brittleness.

Introduction to Keralase

Keralase is a cutting-edge, non-invasive hair restoration treatment designed to combat hair thinning and loss. This innovative treatment combines the advanced LaseMD laser technology with a proprietary serum to stimulate hair follicles and promote healthy hair growth.

LaseMD Laser Technology: The LaseMD laser creates micro-channels in the scalp, enhancing the absorption of the proprietary KeraFactor® serum. This laser technology is designed to be gentle yet effective, ensuring minimal discomfort and no downtime for the patient.

Proprietary Serum: The KeraFactor® serum is a blend of growth factors and proteins that are essential for hair growth. This serum is specifically formulated to rejuvenate the scalp and stimulate the hair follicles, encouraging the growth of thicker, healthier hair.

How Keralase Works to Stimulate Hair Follicles and Promote Healthy Hair Growth:

  • Micro-Channeling: The LaseMD laser creates tiny channels in the scalp, which allows for deeper penetration and enhanced absorption of the KeraFactor® serum. This process ensures that the active ingredients in the serum reach the hair follicles effectively.
  • Stimulation of Hair Follicles: The growth factors and proteins in the KeraFactor® serum work to stimulate the dormant hair follicles, promoting the growth of new hair and strengthening existing hair. This leads to increased hair density and improved overall hair health.

Benefits of Keralase in Combating Hair Thinning and Loss:

  • Non-Invasive Treatment: Keralase provides a non-surgical solution to hair restoration, making it an attractive option for those looking to avoid more invasive procedures.
  • Minimal Discomfort and No Downtime: The treatment is designed to be comfortable, with minimal to no discomfort during the procedure. Patients can return to their daily activities immediately after treatment.
  • Promotes Thicker, Healthier Hair: By stimulating the hair follicles and enhancing the absorption of growth factors, Keralase helps to promote the growth of thicker, healthier hair, addressing both hair thinning and loss.

Benefits of Starting Hair Restoration in Summer

Optimal Timing for Results

Hair Growth Cycle: Understanding the hair growth cycle is crucial for maximizing the effectiveness of hair restoration treatments like Keralase. Hair growth occurs in three main phases: anagen (growth phase), catagen (transitional phase), and telogen (resting phase). The anagen phase, which lasts several years, is when hair actively grows. Starting hair restoration treatments in the summer allows you to take advantage of this growth phase, as treatments can stimulate hair follicles to enter or prolong the anagen phase.

Visible Results by Winter: Hair restoration is a gradual process, with significant improvements often taking several months to become noticeable. By beginning treatment in the summer, you give your hair the necessary time to respond to the treatment, allowing for visible results by winter. This timing is optimal because it aligns with the natural hair growth cycle, ensuring that the benefits of the treatment are fully realized by the time colder weather arrives.

Proactive Approach: Summer activities such as swimming, sun exposure, and frequent washing can exacerbate hair damage and loss. Starting hair restoration treatments during this period is a proactive approach to mitigate these effects. By addressing hair health issues early, you can prevent further damage and strengthen your hair against summer-related stressors, setting a strong foundation for healthier hair growth.

Summer Schedule and Treatment Flexibility

Flexible Schedules: Summer often brings a more relaxed and flexible schedule for many individuals. With longer daylight hours, vacations, and potentially fewer work commitments, people may find it easier to incorporate regular treatment sessions into their routine. This flexibility is advantageous for adhering to a consistent treatment plan, which is essential for achieving optimal results with hair restoration treatments like Keralase.

Consistent Treatment Sessions: Hair restoration treatments require multiple sessions over a period of time to be effective. Starting treatments in the summer, when schedules are more flexible, allows for better adherence to the recommended treatment plan. Regular, consistent sessions maximize the benefits of the treatment, ensuring continuous stimulation of hair follicles and steady progress in hair growth.

More Free Time: With potentially more free time during the summer, individuals can dedicate the necessary attention to their hair restoration journey. This period allows for more focus on maintaining treatment schedules, following post-treatment care recommendations, and monitoring progress. The combination of professional treatments and at-home care routines is more easily managed when time constraints are less pressing.

The Keralase Treatment Process

Initial Consultation

Your hair restoration journey with Keralase at Platinum Sculpt begins with a comprehensive initial consultation. During this session, you will meet with a specialist who will evaluate your hair and scalp condition. This evaluation includes a detailed discussion of your hair loss history, lifestyle factors, and any previous treatments you may have tried.

The specialist will perform a thorough examination of your scalp and hair to assess the extent of hair thinning and loss. This assessment helps in identifying the underlying causes of your hair loss and determining the most effective treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. Based on the findings, a personalized Keralase treatment plan will be developed to target your hair restoration goals effectively.

Treatment Sessions

Keralase treatment sessions are designed to be quick, comfortable, and effective. Each session begins with the application of the LaseMD laser, which creates micro-channels in the scalp. This process enhances the absorption of the KeraFactor® serum, which is applied immediately after the laser treatment. The serum contains growth factors and proteins that stimulate hair follicles and promote healthy hair growth.

For optimal results, Keralase treatments are typically scheduled every two weeks, with a series of six to eight sessions recommended. Each session lasts approximately 30 to 45 minutes, making it easy to fit into your busy schedule. The consistent application of the laser and serum over multiple sessions ensures continuous stimulation of hair follicles and progressive improvement in hair density and thickness.

Post-Treatment Care

Tips for Maintaining Hair Health Post-Treatment: 

  • Protect from Sun Exposure: Use a hat or scarf to shield your scalp from direct sun exposure, which can cause dryness and irritation.
  • Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Limit the use of harsh hair products, such as those containing sulfates and alcohol, which can strip your hair of natural oils.
  • Gentle Washing: Wash your hair with a gentle, sulfate-free shampoo to avoid drying out your scalp and hair.

Recommendations for Products and Practices to Enhance Treatment Outcomes:

  • Use a Mild Shampoo and Conditioner: Choose products that are designed to nourish and protect your hair. Look for ingredients like biotin, keratin, and natural oils that support hair health.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water helps to keep your scalp hydrated from within, promoting a healthy environment for hair growth.
  • Follow a Balanced Diet: Eating a diet rich in vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins A, C, D, E, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids, supports overall hair health and growth.
  • Regular Scalp Massage: Massaging your scalp increases blood flow to the hair follicles, promoting healthy hair growth.

Platinum Sculpt

Starting your hair restoration journey in the summer offers numerous benefits, from optimal timing for results to the flexibility of a summer schedule. Treatments like Keralase provide an effective solution for combating hair thinning and loss, ensuring your hair is healthier and fuller by winter. Take the first step towards revitalizing your hair by booking a consultation at Platinum Sculpt today.

Contact us today to schedule your free consultation:

  • Bowling Green: 270-621-0078
  • Lexington: 859-242-5050
  • Email: info@platinumsculpt.com
  • Website: Platinum Sculpt

Experience the benefits of starting hair restoration treatments now and enjoy healthier, fuller hair all year round. Schedule your consultation at Platinum Sculpt and embark on your journey to better hair health today.

Why Summer Is the Perfect Time to Start Your Hair Restoration Journey
January 14, 2020