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Postpartum hair loss is completely normal. It typically starts within five months of giving birth and begins slowing down concerning three months or so after that. There's nothing you can do to prevent the process, but being gentle with your hair and experimenting with hair products and styles can help get you through it.
Ordinarily between 85 and 95 percent of the hair on your head is actively growing, while the other 5 to 15 percent is in a resting phase. After the resting phase, this hair falls out-- typically while you're brushing or shampooing it-- and is replaced by new growth. The average woman loses around 100 hairs a day.
While pregnant, an elevated estrogen level prolongs the growing stage. There are less hairs in the resting stage and fewer shedding each day, so you might have thicker, more luxuriant tresses.
After you give birth, however, your estrogen level plummets, and a lot more hair follicles enter the resting phase and begin shedding three to five months later. So within five months, it's possible you'll have more hair coming out in the shower or on your brush.
It's worth speaking with your doctor about your hair loss if you believe it's excessive. Hair loss can be a sign of anemia or postpartum thyroiditis, which are treatable conditions.
How long does postpartum hair loss last?
No need to stress! When the shedding begins, the hair loss usually lasts about three months and should decrease after that time. By your baby's first birthday you should have noticeable improvement. By about 15 months, your hair should have grown in again. However, some women notice their hair doesn't have quite the density it had prior to pregnancy.
What can I do about postpartum hair loss?
You will not be able to stop the hair from shedding, but you can try to make the most of what you have. Here's what dermatologists suggest:
What else can I do to keep my hair as healthy as possible?
While these measures won't prevent you from shedding so much hair, they might help you avoid making things worse. Care for your hair by: