January 14, 2020

Understanding and Managing NAD⁺ Levels for Healthy Aging

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, commonly known as NAD⁺, is a vital molecule found in every living cell. It was first discovered in 1906, and since then, extensive research has uncovered its critical roles in maintaining cellular health. NAD⁺ is an essential cofactor, meaning it is a compound necessary for the activity of enzymes, the molecular machines that drive numerous biological processes within the body.

NAD⁺ exists in two forms: NAD⁺ and its reduced form NADH. These forms are part of a redox reaction (reduction-oxidation reaction) where NAD⁺ acts as an electron carrier, crucial for converting nutrients into energy. This redox activity is fundamental to various metabolic pathways, underscoring the importance of NAD⁺ in energy production and cellular health.

Functions of NAD⁺ in the Cell

NAD⁺ is compartmentalized within the cell, found in various regions, including the cytoplasm (the gelatinous liquid filling the cell), the mitochondria (the cell's powerhouses), and the nucleus (where genetic information is stored). Each of these subcellular pools of NAD⁺ is regulated independently, allowing for specialized functions in different parts of the cell.

Role in Enzyme Activity and Cellular Processes 

NAD⁺ plays a crucial role in several enzyme-driven activities within the cell:

  • Energy Production: In the mitochondria, NAD⁺ is involved in cellular respiration, a process that generates ATP, the primary energy currency of the cell.
  • DNA Repair: NAD⁺ is a substrate for enzymes involved in DNA repair, helping to maintain genomic stability by fixing damaged DNA.
  • Cell Signaling: It also acts as a signaling molecule, influencing various cellular processes such as gene expression, stress responses, and aging.

NAD⁺ levels must be continuously synthesized, metabolized, and recycled to meet the high demand for these biological processes. Cells, especially those in the liver, can synthesize NAD⁺ from scratch using dietary sources like L-tryptophan or vitamin precursors such as nicotinic acid. Outside the liver, most cells rely on recycling or salvaging NAD⁺ from nicotinamide (NAM), a by-product of NAD⁺-dependent enzyme reactions.

NAD⁺ and Aging

Decline of NAD⁺ Levels

As we age, the levels of NAD⁺ in our cells naturally decrease. This decline can begin as early as middle age and progressively worsens over time. The reduction in NAD⁺ levels is due to several factors, including increased consumption by NAD⁺-dependent enzymes, decreased synthesis, and impaired recycling processes. The body's ability to produce and maintain NAD⁺ diminishes, leading to a significant drop in its availability in various tissues.

Association Between Reduced NAD⁺ Levels and Age-Related Diseases 

The decline in NAD⁺ levels is closely linked to several age-related diseases, such as:

  • Cognitive Decline: Lower NAD⁺ levels are associated with reduced neuronal function and increased neurodegeneration, contributing to conditions like Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia.
  • Cancer: NAD⁺ plays a role in DNA repair and cellular metabolism. Its decline can lead to genomic instability and increased cancer risk.
  • Metabolic Disease: NAD⁺ is crucial for metabolic pathways that convert nutrients into energy. Reduced NAD⁺ levels can lead to metabolic disorders, including obesity, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes.
  • Sarcopenia: The age-related loss of muscle mass and strength, known as sarcopenia, is linked to decreased NAD⁺ levels, which affect muscle cell function and repair.
  • Frailty: Overall physical frailty in aging individuals is often a result of compounded issues, including those mentioned above, all exacerbated by declining NAD⁺ levels.

Impact on Cellular Functions

NAD⁺ is indispensable for various critical cellular processes:

  • Metabolic Pathways: NAD⁺ is a key player in cellular respiration and energy production. Its decline leads to reduced efficiency in converting nutrients to energy, contributing to overall metabolic slowdown.
  • DNA Repair: NAD⁺ is required for the activity of enzymes involved in DNA repair. Lower levels of NAD⁺ impair these enzymes, leading to accumulation of DNA damage and increased risk of mutations and cancer.
  • Autophagy: This process involves the degradation and recycling of damaged cellular components. NAD⁺ supports autophagy, helping cells to clear out waste and maintain homeostasis. Reduced NAD⁺ levels can hamper autophagy, leading to cellular dysfunction and aging.

Exacerbation of Aging-Related Diseases 

The decline in NAD⁺ exacerbates aging-related diseases in several ways:

  • Metabolic Dysfunction: Impaired metabolic pathways can lead to energy deficiencies and increased fat accumulation.
  • DNA Repair Failure: Accumulation of DNA damage contributes to cancer and other age-related diseases.
  • Inflammation: Reduced NAD⁺ levels can lead to chronic inflammation, which is a common factor in many aging-related conditions.
  • Cellular Senescence: Cells with low NAD⁺ levels are more likely to enter a state of senescence, where they no longer divide or function properly. This contributes to tissue aging and degeneration.

How Cells Make NAD⁺

Synthesis and Recycling

De Novo Synthesis of NAD⁺ from Dietary Sources

Cells can synthesize NAD⁺ from scratch, a process known as de novo synthesis, using dietary sources such as L-tryptophan and nicotinic acid (NA).

  • L-Tryptophan Pathway: In this pathway, the amino acid L-tryptophan undergoes a series of enzymatic reactions to form NAD⁺. This pathway is complex and involves multiple steps, each catalyzed by specific enzymes, ultimately leading to the production of NAD⁺.
  • Nicotinic Acid Pathway: Nicotinic acid, a form of vitamin B3, is another precursor for NAD⁺ synthesis. It is converted into NAD⁺ through a series of biochemical reactions that involve different enzymes. This pathway is simpler compared to the L-tryptophan pathway and is also known as the Preiss-Handler pathway.

Recycling of NAD⁺ from Nicotinamide (NAM)

Most cells, especially those outside the liver, do not have the full set of enzymes needed for de novo synthesis. Instead, they rely on recycling or salvaging NAD⁺ from nicotinamide (NAM), a by-product of NAD⁺ consumption by various enzymes.

  • Salvage Pathway: In the salvage pathway, NAM is converted back into NAD⁺ through intermediate molecules such as nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) and nicotinamide riboside (NR). This recycling process ensures a continuous supply of NAD⁺ even when dietary intake of precursors is low.

Enzymes Involved in NAD⁺ Synthesis

Liver cells play a crucial role in the de novo synthesis of NAD⁺. They possess the complete array of enzymes necessary to convert dietary precursors into NAD⁺. This capability allows the liver to produce NAD⁺ from scratch and release its intermediates, such as nicotinamide, into the bloodstream. Peripheral cells can then take up these intermediates and convert them into NAD⁺ through the salvage pathway.

Conversion Process Involving Enzymes like NAMPT

One of the key enzymes in the NAD⁺ salvage pathway is nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT). NAMPT catalyzes the conversion of NAM to NMN, a critical step in the production of NAD⁺.

  • NAMPT Function: NAMPT plays a pivotal role in maintaining NAD⁺ levels by converting NAM to NMN. This step is essential for replenishing NAD⁺ in cells that do not have the capability to synthesize it de novo.
  • NMN to NAD⁺: Once NMN is produced, it is further converted into NAD⁺ by another enzyme called NMN adenylyltransferase (NMNAT). This final step completes the recycling process, ensuring a steady supply of NAD⁺ for cellular functions.

NAD⁺-Consuming Enzymes


Sirtuins are a family of proteins that play a crucial role in regulating metabolic processes, stress responses, and aging biology. These enzymes are NAD⁺-dependent deacetylases, meaning they require NAD⁺ to remove acetyl groups from proteins, which can affect the function and activity of these proteins.

  • Metabolic Regulation: Sirtuins help regulate key metabolic processes, including glucose and lipid metabolism. They influence the activity of enzymes involved in these pathways, thus playing a role in maintaining energy balance and metabolic health.
  • Stress Responses: Sirtuins are involved in the cellular response to stress. They help cells adapt to stress by modifying proteins involved in stress resistance, repair, and survival.
  • Aging Biology: Sirtuins have been linked to the aging process due to their role in DNA repair, inflammation regulation, and mitochondrial function. By maintaining cellular health and function, sirtuins contribute to longevity and protection against age-related diseases.

PARPs (Poly ADP-Ribose Polymerases)

PARPs are a family of proteins involved in a variety of cellular processes, most notably DNA repair. They detect DNA damage and signal for repair by adding ADP-ribose polymers to target proteins, a process that consumes NAD⁺.

  • DNA Repair: PARPs play a critical role in the repair of single-strand DNA breaks. When DNA damage occurs, PARPs rapidly respond by using NAD⁺ to attach ADP-ribose units to themselves and other proteins, recruiting DNA repair machinery to the site of damage.
  • Therapeutic Potential in Aging: Targeting PARPs, particularly PARP1, holds promise as a therapeutic strategy for aging and age-related diseases. By modulating PARP activity, it may be possible to enhance DNA repair processes and mitigate the decline in NAD⁺ levels associated with aging. However, more research is needed to fully understand the impact of PARPs on NAD⁺ levels and aging.

NADases (CD38, CD157, SARM1)

CD38 and CD157 are NAD⁺-consuming enzymes that play significant roles in various cell processes and have a substantial impact on aging tissues.

  • CD38: CD38 is an ectoenzyme found on the cell surface and is involved in calcium signaling, immune cell activation, and metabolism. It consumes NAD⁺ to produce cyclic ADP-ribose, a molecule that regulates calcium release from intracellular stores. CD38 activity increases with age, contributing to the decline in NAD⁺ levels observed in aging tissues.
  • CD157: Similar to CD38, CD157 is an ectoenzyme that also consumes NAD⁺. It is involved in processes like immune cell function and inflammatory responses. While less is known about CD157's role compared to CD38, it is believed to contribute to the aging process and age-related diseases.

SARM1 (Sterile Alpha and TIR Motif Containing 1) is a relatively recent addition to the family of NAD⁺-consuming enzymes, primarily found in neurons.

  • Axonal Degeneration: SARM1 plays a crucial role in the process of axonal degeneration following injury. It consumes NAD⁺ to trigger the breakdown of axonal structures, leading to the degeneration of damaged neurons.
  • Therapeutic Applications: Due to its role in neurodegeneration, SARM1 is emerging as a potential therapeutic target. Inhibiting SARM1 activity could prevent or mitigate the effects of neurodegenerative diseases and traumatic brain injuries, thereby preserving neuronal function and overall brain health.

How Can NAD⁺ Levels be Restored?

Dietary Precursors

Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), nicotinamide riboside (NR), and nicotinamide (NAM) are key dietary precursors that can effectively boost NAD⁺ levels in the body.

  • NMN: NMN is a direct precursor of NAD⁺. When ingested, it is readily converted into NAD⁺ within cells, helping to replenish depleted levels.
  • NR: NR is another effective precursor that is converted into NMN before becoming NAD⁺. It is known for its high bioavailability and efficiency in boosting NAD⁺ levels.
  • NAM: NAM, or niacinamide, is a form of vitamin B3 that can be converted into NAD⁺ through the salvage pathway. It plays a critical role in maintaining NAD⁺ levels, especially when synthesized de novo pathways are insufficient.

NAD⁺ precursors are used to promote NAD⁺ biosynthesis by supplying the necessary building blocks for its production. These precursors enhance the salvage pathway, allowing cells to efficiently recycle NAD⁺ and maintain its levels. Supplementing with NMN, NR, or NAM can effectively support cellular metabolism, improve energy production, and enhance overall health.

Enzyme Inhibition

CD38 and CD157 are enzymes that consume NAD⁺, contributing to its decline in aging tissues. By inhibiting these enzymes, it is possible to preserve NAD⁺ levels and improve cellular function.

  • CD38 Inhibitors: CD38 inhibitors work by blocking the activity of the CD38 enzyme, which breaks down NAD⁺. This inhibition helps to maintain higher levels of NAD⁺ within cells, supporting various metabolic and repair processes.
  • CD157 Inhibitors: Similar to CD38 inhibitors, CD157 inhibitors prevent the consumption of NAD⁺, thereby enhancing its availability for critical cellular functions. This approach can be particularly beneficial in aging tissues where CD157 activity is upregulated.

Lifestyle Changes


Regular physical activity is one of the most effective ways to boost NAD⁺ levels. Exercise stimulates NAD⁺ biosynthesis and enhances the activity of enzymes involved in NAD⁺ metabolism. It also improves overall metabolic health, supports mitochondrial function, and reduces the risk of age-related diseases.

Caloric Restriction

Caloric restriction, or reducing calorie intake without malnutrition, has been shown to increase NAD⁺ levels. This dietary approach promotes the activation of sirtuins and other NAD⁺-dependent enzymes, enhancing cellular repair and longevity pathways.

Maintaining a Healthy Circadian Rhythm

A healthy circadian rhythm, the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle, is crucial for maintaining NAD⁺ levels. Consistent sleep patterns and regular meal times help to synchronize the body’s internal clock, supporting optimal metabolic function and NAD⁺ biosynthesis.

NAD⁺ is essential for cellular health, playing key roles in energy production, DNA repair, and cell signaling. As we age, NAD⁺ levels naturally decline, contributing to various age-related diseases. Restoring NAD⁺ through dietary precursors like NMN and NR, targeting NAD⁺-consuming enzymes, and making lifestyle changes can help maintain cellular function and potentially delay aging. For more helpful information on skincare, beauty and healthful aging check out our other blogs.

Understanding and Managing NAD⁺ Levels for Healthy Aging
January 14, 2020